It is 2013, we (still) don't have flying cars, or hoverboards, AND as developers, we still use terminals to interact with our operating system. So every so often I like to browse through and try and pick up any little tidbits which improve my command line efficiency.

Here's a small selection I have picked up recently that I didn't know.

sudo !! 

Run the previous command as sudo. This is great when you realise you needed to run something as root.

ctrl-x e

Open up $EDITOR to enter in a long command. In my setup it fires up vim. This is great for some of the long rails commands you need to create controllers or models.

cat /etc/passwd | column -s':' -t 

Column, columnates input, the -t argument will format standard input into a table and -s lets you specify an arbitrary field delimiter. For unformatted input this is very handy.

These next few are specific to zsh, and while I do love bash, since switching to zsh I haven't really looked back. It's things like this that when you work with a terminal every single day, you can't give up.

aaron@tempest ~ $ d                                 
0    ~
aaron@tempest ~ $ cd /etc
aaron@tempest /etc $ d
0    /etc
1    ~
aaron@tempest /etc $ 1
aaron@tempest ~ $  

The 'd' command lists the directory stack, and then entering an integer will switch you directly to the directory index in the stack. It is a killer app.

Moving directories also is very pleasant in zsh. Use '..' to move up a directory, and simply type the name of the directory in, to move into a directory.

aaron@tempest ~ $ ..       
aaron@tempest /Users $ aaron
aaron@tempest ~ $ 

This last one is a trick I've know for a few years, I don't know how much time this has saved me exactly, but I use it every single day.

In vim, if you're editing a file that requires root (or any other user) permissions, you can write the file by doing

:w !sudo tee %

I use it so much that I've set up a leader key binding in my .vimrc

nnoremap <leader>sr :w !sudo tee %<CR>

There's nothing more annoying than making lengthy changes to a config file, go to write it and getting permission denied...

I make all my configs available online at github, if you're interested in seeing how I setup my environment.