A quick bit of shell-fu.
To take a column from a MySQL database and quickly output it ready formatted as a Javascript array literal (without any specific escaping) do:
echo 'SELECT column FROM table WHERE some_column = "somevalue"' | mysql -uuser -ppass --silent yourdb | awk -v q="'" '{ print q $0 q }' | paste -s -d ',' | sed 's/(.*)/[\1];/'
The first part of the command is self explanatory, you pipe in a query to mysql, and ask it to give you raw unadorned output. It will return each row for column 'column' from table 'table' as a line of output.
You pipe it to awk and ask it to wrap the values in single quotes. Due to shell escaping with single quotes, you set the q variable to a single quote. Paste then joins all the output lines together separated by commas.
Finally I use sed to wrap the resulting output in Javascript array literal '[' and ']' symbols. Awk or any other tool to concatenation approach would do just fine here too.