Today I learned that each sequence in a bash pipeline executes in a separate subshell…this means variables cannot be passed along the pipeline, as each new subprocess invokes a brand new environment.
For some workarounds checkout
So, back from the Linux jungle and sitting in front of a Macbook once again.
My first real job has been to get a decent unix environment up. OSX's BSD utilities don't really cut it. Macports is far and away the best distribution out there.
Once you install coreutils and get ls, find etc it makes sense you will want to change your shell to a modern version of bash (or zsh if that's the way you roll).
Lion ships with bash 3.2 whereas Macports will give you a contemporary version 4.2 Unfortunately it's not as simple as going
$ sudo port install bash
$ chsh
<input /opt/local/bin/bash>
I had to do this before, but I'd forgotten there's a trick to changing your shell in OSX to a non-standard location. The file /etc/shells contains a list of valid shells chsh will permit. You need to edit (as root or via sudo) this file and add your macports shells. Once that's done chsh will let you change no problem.
A quick bit of shell-fu.
To take a column from a MySQL database and quickly output it ready formatted as a Javascript array literal (without any specific escaping) do:
echo 'SELECT column FROM table WHERE some_column = "somevalue"' | mysql -uuser -ppass --silent yourdb | awk -v q="'" '{ print q $0 q }' | paste -s -d ',' | sed 's/(.*)/[\1];/'
The first part of the command is self explanatory, you pipe in a query to mysql, and ask it to give you raw unadorned output. It will return each row for column 'column' from table 'table' as a line of output.
You pipe it to awk and ask it to wrap the values in single quotes. Due to shell escaping with single quotes, you set the q variable to a single quote. Paste then joins all the output lines together separated by commas.
Finally I use sed to wrap the resulting output in Javascript array literal '[' and ']' symbols. Awk or any other tool to concatenation approach would do just fine here too.
If you want to add a unix user to a supplementary group (say for example user 'aaron' belongs to group 'aaron' but I want to add him to the 'wheel' group as well) you use the usermod command.
$ usermod -a -G wheel aaron
The -a argument is very important, it ensures arguments to -G append to the existing list of groups. Otherwise existing groups will be replaced with the argument supplied.
$ alias ql='qlmanage -p "$@" >& /dev/null'